Why Finland?

On the PISA international tests of high school students, Finland consistently ranks towards the top of the scores while the U.S. ranks towards the middle. What is Finland doing right, and can their success be applied to our U.S. education system?

Our graduate and undergraduate course has spent the last several months exploring the history and accomplishments of the Finnish educational system. Our readings included the texts Finnish Lessons 2.0 by Pasi Sahlberg and Finnish Innovations and Technologies in Schools : A Guide Towards New Ecosystems of Learning as well as many shorter readings and videos. We've engaged in weekly discussions of Finnish curriculum, its creation, and compared them to our Common Core Standards. We've looked at teacher education and training programs in Finland and compared them with our own. 

After all this reading, watching, and discussing, the time has come to see the Finnish style of education and teacher training for ourselves! We will be working with the University of Helsinki and visiting several highly acclaimed schools to observe the students, teachers, and the "Finnish Lessons" at work. Expect many updates on this blog, under #NDMUFinland, and at the linked Instagram accounts over the next week. 

